Introduction to the H.O.D. Five Fold and Ministries Network
Introduction to House of David Five Fold and Ministries Network
You have been pouring out to as many people as you can, giving them the biblical tools to live this Christian life successfully. Yet, who pours into you? Pastor/ Five Fold Leader/ Minister, I would like to introduce to you The House Of David Five Fold and Ministries Network. This Network’s purpose is to help those in the Five Fold, and other leaders to have the resources, counsel, strategies, courses and training that they need for revival and explosive growth! It is the Network’s desire to equip you to accomplish God’s purpose and fulfill your call, so that you in turn can prepare people under your leadership to reach the world for Jesus.
We Work With Five Fold Ministers (Including Pastors), And Ministers Of The Gospel
1. Training, Equipping, Activation and Impartation Conferences and Seminars.
2. Access to strategies for your specific Five Fold Call, and Territory. Growth strategies for churches (how to reach and draw in the community).
3. Opportunity to be Satellite School of House of David Bible and Ministry School teaching courses as an outreach to your community, as well as training and equipping for your church. Courses include curriculum’s such as; Supernatural Faith, Deliverance (How To Cast Out Devils), Understanding And Operating In Supernatural Healing, How To Birth Revival, Apologetics (What Christians Believe), Understanding And Operating In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit, Understanding the Book Of Revelation, Discipleship, Supernatural Revelation, How To Walk In The Spirit, And More.
4. Church Development Teachings.
5. Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic, Pastoral, Five Fold Teachers, and Intercessor Training, development and teaching.
6. Apostolic Prayer Covering for your ministry.
7. Five Fold Training Program
8. Ministry Training Program
9. Access to over 850 specific lessons and 40 books on various Biblical teachings for your use.
10. Basic ministry helps (written instructions on performing water baptisms, funerals, weddings, evangelistic altar calls, homiletics or sermon preparation, and more).
11. Developing church structure to facilitate growth.
12. Instructions to help churches transition from small to medium, medium to large and large to mega church.
13. Ministerial Counseling
14. Accountability